Your Guide to Healthy Fest 2024

Please take a moment to read this guide. This guide provides all the essential information you need to fully enjoy Healthy Fest 2024, including event schedules, activities, registration details, and tips to make the most of your experience.

Participants are required to re-register on November 17, 2024, at the Registration Booth (Ecovention Lobby) and join the queue according to the ticket purchased:

  • If you purchased a VIP ticket, please queue in the VIP line.
  • If you purchased a Regular ticket, please queue in the Regular line.
  • If you purchased a Visitor ticket, please queue in the Visitor line.
  • For Invitation (KOL & NPURE Community), please queue in the KOL line (a Special Lanyard will be provided instead of an access wristband).

Re-registration is recommended 1 hour before the class begins.

Fun Color Run participants who have already collected their Racepack on November 9 at GBK must still re-register on November 17, 2024, to receive the Fun Color Run Access Wristband and Mission Card. Please wear the Racepack items (Bag, Jersey, BIB) during the run.

Prepare the ticket barcode you received through the website registration. Show the barcode to the NPURE team at the Registration Booth.

To avoid any issues with signal (unable to load the ticket barcode), participants are encouraged to take a screenshot of their ticket before arriving at the registration.

If you have friends who haven’t registered for Healthy Fest yet, they can purchase Visitor Tickets on the spot (OTS).

After your barcode is scanned, you will receive a wristband according to your registered class, a jersey, and a Mission Card. You can change into your jersey in the restroom or changing room.

Please wear the wristband you received and enter the indoor area of Healthy Fest through the Gate In (your wristband will be checked by the event staff).

Sports Class participants (Yoga, Pound Fit, Body Combat, Zumba) can enter the class area (Front Stage Area, 1st Floor) 30 minutes before the start of their respective class.

Here is the complete rundown for the Sports Class:

  • Yoga Class (09:00 - 10:00 AM)
  • Pound Fit Class (01:00 - 02:00 PM)
  • Body Combat Class (02:30 - 03:30 PM)
  • Zumba Class (04:00 - 05:00 PM)

Fun Color Run participants should wear their wristbands and enter the running area (outdoor area).

Visitors with Visitor tickets can enter the general Healthy Fest area, except for the Sports Class and Running areas.

It is mandatory to wear your access wristband while inside the Healthy Fest area.

The Tulus Access Wristband will be given in the class area, and it will only be provided to participants who complete the class.

For Fun Color Run participants, the Tulus Access Wristband will be given along with the Goodie Bag, which can be claimed at the Redemption Booth (2nd Floor) according to the scheduled times provided.

Goodie Bag Collection Schedule:

  • Session 1 (10:00 AM - 01:00 PM) = Fun Color Run, Yoga Class Participants
  • Session 2 (03:30 PM - 08:00 PM) = Body Combat, Pound Fit, Zumba Class Participants

To collect your goodie bag, show your Fun Color Run / Sports Class Access Wristband to the NPURE team at the Redemption Booth (2nd Floor). Your wristband will be checked off as confirmation that you’ve claimed your goodie bag.

For Sports Class and Fun Color Run participants, you can leave your belongings at the Baggage Booth during Healthy Fest, with the following conditions:

  • Do not leave valuable items at the Baggage Booth.
  • The event organizers are not responsible for any lost or damaged items.
  • Ensure your belongings are properly labeled, and you receive a claim ticket for your deposit.
  • Items not collected by the end of the event (or by 8:00 PM) are not the responsibility of the organizers.
  • Items can only be retrieved by presenting a valid claim ticket.
  • Do not deposit prohibited items, fragile goods, or hazardous materials.
  • The Baggage Booth will close at the specified time (or by 8:00 PM WIB), so please ensure you collect your items on time.

Participants can take part in the challenges listed on the Mission Card given during re-registration. Each completed challenge will be stamped by the NPURE team as proof of completion. There are 4 challenges you need to complete.

Once you've completed all 4 challenges, you can head to the Doorprize Booth to submit your completed Mission Card into the Doorprize box of your choice. The total Doorprize value is 50 MILLION IDR.

The Doorprize announcement will take place between 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM WIB.

If participants wish to exit the Healthy Fest area, they can do so via the 2nd Floor (by taking the escalator from the 1st Floor).

For more information

Chat with our customer service team in the Bottom Right Corner